Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Make Life Long Learning a Goal

I am excited to be heading off this week for some training at a national convention in Louisville, KY. I plan to learn a lot, come home inspired, and also have a great time while I am away. I expect my business will improve as a result of attending this training.

Successful investors make life long learning part of their business plan. No matter how simple or complex the business, there is always something that can be learned. It may be a tweak of something that the investor is already doing. Many investors know that learning - and implementing - just one new item from a training may generate many thousands of dollars more than the cost of that training.

Trainings take many forms, but when they involve meetings with other like-minded investors, the networking opportunities may far exceed the actual learning. I always bring lots of business cards and try to meet as many new people as possible. If I am facing an issue or an obstacle in my business, someone at the meeting may have already successfully addressed something similar. Maybe I need a mentor, or some private money. Keep an open mind when meeting new people and opportunities will materialize.

Trainings may help push us out of our comfort zone, where we need to be in order to succeed. If something worked for someone else, why not give it a try?

Most of all, learning should be fun. There is something innately exciting about the novel, the new, the untested, and the possible. Stay curious and listen carefully. You will never know it all, and answers may come from surprising new directions.

In the mean time, I am ready to squeeze in a little fossil hunting, a little ziplining in an underground cavern, be inspired by the dedication of someone like a Muhammad Ali, and maybe sip a little bourbon whiskey before I jump into class this weekend.

Happy Investing!

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