Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Transit Oriented Development

I closed on our land purchase in the name of Van Gogh Studio Lofts, LLC on Monday, and toured the Rainier Beach community on a "Find It, Fix It" walk with the City of Seattle last night that circled the block around our property. I have included some photos of that event here...

...along with photos from the inside of the house that is currently located on that property.

The City is putting a lot of money and energy into improving the Rainier Beach community, and our commercial mixed-use project should benefit from all the attention.

We are scheduled to break ground in early 2015 and be ready for occupancy in early 2016. By that time, light rail will extend to the University of Washington, with a new stop in Capitol Hill. We will be the first transit-oriented development in Rainier Beach.

Happy Investing!

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