What is it that distinguishes the successful investors from the others? What qualities separate the successful entrepreneur from the rest? What characteristics lead one person to success, where others fail?
These are a few of my personal observations on this topic. I really do not believe it matters whether the topic is real estate investing, entrepreneurship, losing weight, or building a relationship. Success leaves clues, and here are a few that I believe contribute to success in any endeavor.
You are as happy as you decide to be; you are as successful as you decide to be.
Your attitude about your chosen direction will affect the success you have along the way. Be mindful of why you have chosen this direction. It should be a powerful enough motivation to move you to tears, to provoke some real emotion, and not just "I want to make more money." What is it that money represents to you? what is it that success in this field will mean to you?
Your motivation should be sufficient to sustain you through the inevitable ups and downs along the way.
Every journey begins with a single step. You will not be good in the beginning; you will not know what you do not know. You will stumble and fail. But with each step, you must feel that you will grow, and that you will get better. It is really true that practice makes perfect. Keep practicing your craft until it becomes easy.
How many people have gym memberships that they never use? Diets that never work? Real estate courses they bought but never applied?
NOTHING works without effort on your part. Nothing. You must continue to make the same small steps day after day that move you toward success. Keep in mind that much literature says it takes at least 30 days of consistency to develop a new habit.
Some investment gurus say to close the back door, once you have made the decision to move forward as an investor. Do not give yourself an out. Promise yourself that you will stay in for at least five years. Keep refining your activities to focus on those most successful, and to analyze the reasons why something may not have worked. Learn from your mistakes, and celebrate your small successes along the way.
Find a cheerleader, an accountability coach, a mentor, or someone who believes in you. Surround yourself with positive, successful people whom you wish to emulate.
Successful people stay focused on their goal. They have a goal. Chances are they have a plan. A written plan. With strategic steps to accomplish their goal, and a daily routine they follow every day, every week, week after week, month after month, year after year....
They do not allow family, friends, parties, travel, drugs, or other distractions to take them away from their goals.
Successful people do not take two years to analyze an opportunity. They strike while the iron is hot. They are trendsetters; they are leaders; they take calculated risks. They do not follow the herd. They do not fall victim to "group think." They are willing to move beyond their comfort level, if the reward seems big enough. Just because "no one else is doing this" is not reason to stop them moving forward. They follow their intuition when others poo-poo their choices, and find resources to support them. They are coach-able and trainable.
Successful people do not stop with one step or one action. They deliver on their promises. They do the follow up that is necessary to complete an endeavor. They put systems in place to make sure that important tasks do not fall through the cracks. They identify and take care of high priority actions that deliver the best results. They analyze what works and what doesn't, and they make changes based on feedback.
Successful people never stop learning. They read everything they can about their chosen pursuit; they network with other like-minded colleagues; they join organizations, take classes, and hire coaches or trainers. They are not afraid to try something new. They teach and mentor others. They become Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on their chosen topic or profession.
It is said that "good is the enemy of great." You can always get better, you can always improve. Keep learning, keep growing.
So get serious, if you decide to re-invent yourself. Make sure that you are putting your energy, heart and soul into these core qualities that will make you stand out from the crowd and become truly successful at what you do.
Happy Investing!
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