Habitat for Humanity Seattle - King County is piloting their first Work/Live home, and they are
looking for an entrepreneurial family to partner with them!
What is a Work/Live Home? A Work/Live home is an attached or free-standing building that
combines residential space with commercial or manufacturing space. Typically, the business is
on ground level and faces the street, while the upstairs is dedicated to living space; however
other design solutions can be used. Your business may or may not directly interact with the
public. For example, if you have an internet business and work from home, your “work” space
may simply be a designated office space.
Interested? Applicants must meet typical Habitat for Humanity Family Selection Criteria, and
submit a letter of interest with answers to six questions listed below, along with your name,
mailing address, email, and phone number.
1. Are you an entrepreneur who currently owns or is about to launch a small business? If this is a
new business, can you demonstrate qualifications and applicable experience? Please
contribute minimum of 5 sentences.
2. Describe your business. Provide any marketing materials you have available, such as
brochure, web site, flyer, photos, etc.
3. Why is your business a good fit for a Work/Live home? 2 sentences minimum.
4. Can your business move to any location or does its success depend on your current
neighborhood clientele? If it interfaces with the public, is it via foot traffic or by appointment?
Please contribute minimum of 5 sentences.
5. How many square feet will the work/business space require? Please describe functionality of
this space and any design considerations. Please contribute minimum of 4 sentences.
6. How will a Work/Live home benefit you and your family? 3 sentences minimum
Please visit http://bit.ly/home_eligibility to learn about Habitat for Humanity Family Selection
Criteria. Income eligibility is as follows:
Family Size Minimum Income Maximum Income Max. Income for Former or Current
Military Service Members
1 $18,540.0 $37,080 $49,440
2 $21,180.0 $42,360 $56,480
3 $23,820.0 $47,640 $63,520
4 $26,460.0 $52,920 $70,560
Submit your letter of interest to work-live@HabitatSKC.org or “Work/Live”, Habitat for Humanity
Seattle – King County, 560 Naches Avenue SW Suite 110, Renton, WA 98057.
Happy Investing!
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