Wednesday, July 9, 2014


There are 47 active residential listings in the 98117 zip code, also one of the most active zip codes in Seattle. It includes neighborhoods like Ballard, Crown Hill, North Beach, Loyal Heights, Phinney Ridge, and Greenwood.

The median list price for these properties is $619,000 for a three-bedroom, 2.25 bathroom home with 2380 sf of living space. The median length of time these listings have been on the market is 19 days.

Four of these properties have been on the market over 100 days. This always provides opportunities for investors, when you see outliers that do not sell quickly. They are either over-priced, or need a lot of work. Many investors look for properties where they can solve problems and add value by redesigning functionally-obsolete floor plans, or taking care of deferred maintenance. I am happy to send a list of these outlying properties, simply email me at This is just one strategy I use for helping investors find deals.

Happy Investing!

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