Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Buy Low Rent Smart Sell High

My Home Land Investment Properties, Inc staff and I attended the real estate investment workshops this past weekend sponsored by the Real Estate Association of Puget Sound (REAPS). Featured speakers were Andy Heller (pictured with me above) and Alan Cowgill. Andy Heller was also the featured speaker at the August main REAPS meeting.

Fortune Magazine recommended Andy Heller’s Buy Low, Rent Smart, Sell High Strategy as being one of the top five strategies for building wealth through real estate. Andy explained why his program for real estate investing offered investors a great opportunity for building wealth and taking control of their financial futures in today’s real estate market.

Problem: With many strategies an investor’s profit is highly dependent on property appreciation, and in a market that is stable or even cooling, an investor runs a risk of minimizing profits or even losing money.
Solution: With the Buy Low, Rent Smart, Sell High system that Andy developed, profits ARE NOT dependent on property appreciation. Appreciation is simply a BONUS on top of the core profit sources.

Problem: Most investment models have just 2-3 profit sources, and if things do not go exactly according to plan, the investor runs a risk of losing money or minimizing profit.
Solution: Andy taught attendees the six different profit sources in his Buy Low, Rent Smart, Sell High model

Problem: Most investment models cover only one or two of the three pillars of real estate investing, again leaving investors at risk if things do not go exactly according to plan.
Solution: The Buy Low, Rent Smart, Sell High investment model maximizes profits and minimizes headaches by using all three pillars, buying, renting, and selling.

Problem: A key aspect of many programs is that the investor profits at the expense of disadvantaged or distressed sellers, and/or one-sided land lording arrangements.
Solution: The Buy Low, Rent Smart, Sell High program offers at its core a win/win formula for everyone with whom the investor comes into contact: sellers, tenants, and others.

The seminar covered the three pillars of real estate investing:

Buy Low
1. Consistently purchase real estate below market.
2. Identify the right type of property for your preferred investment model.
3. Buy discount properties today: bank-owned foreclosures (aka post-foreclosures and REO Properties).
4. Learn what most investors do when calling banks without success…and learn the Regular Riches way to successfully approach banks
5. Learn how to buy from banks that do not allow wholesaler assignment, and why banks are the absolute best source for discount properties when wholesaling
6. Learn about financing your purchases
7. Learn our formula for establishing the Maximum Purchase Price for all types of properties, regardless of type, condition, or your investment strategy
8. Learn how to negotiate to a successful purchase

Rent Smart
1. Learn about Lease/Purchasing
2. Learn how to establish the right lease/purchase terms
3. Learn how to minimize Repairs and maintenance headaches…let other landlords deal with them…not you!
4. Learn how to reach out and advertise to find the best tenants
5. Learn the ten point checklist for selecting the best tenants
6. How buy and flip investors and buy and hold investors can benefit from lease/purchasing in today’s real estate market

Selling High
1. Learn how to sell properties without paying real estate commissions
2. Learn how to sell properties for fair market value without discounting
3. Learn how to quickly get your property under contract

Our staff will be using this system as we move forward on our own personal investments, and will be happy to keep our blog readers posted on our progress.

Happy Investing!

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