Monday, January 13, 2014

Seattle Artist Live/Work Development

My business partner and I have just signed paperwork this weekend to purchase commercial real estate in South Seattle. Our project is located at the Rainier Beach Light Rail station on S Henderson Street, and will be a 40,000 sf mixed use development project, including ground floor retail and pedestrian-oriented commercial. We are currently thinking roughly 30,000 sf for multifamily rentals targeted as artist live/work space. We will be meeting with architects later this afternoon to begin planning.

The developer is Van Gogh Development Corporation, of which O. Thomas Harper and I are the principals.

This project is just steps from the light rail station and within the Rainier Beach neighborhood business district. It is adjacent to the Chief Sealth recreational trail, near Rainier Beach high school, community center and library. Beer Sheva Park, Kubota Garden, and the Museum of Flight are located nearby. This location has a current walk score of 69, a transit score of 61 and a bike score of 67.
If you know anyone who may be interested in learning more about this project as we go along, please message me privately at or 425-270-7292.

Happy Investing!

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